
Table of Contents

Overview - Campinas

Located inland northwest of São Paulo, Campinas is the third largest city by population in São Paulo. It has approximately 1,214,000 inhabitants in the city proper as of 2020. The Campinas metropolitan area comprised 3,656,363 residents as of the 2020 IBGE census estimate.

Campinas's rapid transit network consists of three bus rapid transit lines. It also has two BRT-Lite lines.

Campinas BRT (Rapidão)

Opened in stages starting in 2019, Campinas BRT consists of three bus rapid transit lines that serve the city of Campinas, São Paulo and the southwestern suburbs.

Corredor Campo Grande

The Campo Grande corridor of the Campinas BRT is a bus rapid transit line on a Northeast-Southwest alignment. It runs from Terminal Campo Grande in the southwest to Terminal Mercado in the northeast, serving 17 stations primarily along Av. John Boyd Dunlop and the ROW of the former Campinas light rail. Through service onto the Central Corridor began September 2023.

The Campo Grande corridor was opened as BRT-Lite in 2019, with limited peak only BRT service beginning Nov 2022 and full all-day service at all stations beginning May 2023. The last expansion to the line was the opening of Parque das Bandeiras/Ipaussurama in February 2025.

Corredor Ouro Verde

The Ouro Verde corridor of the Campinas BRT is a bus rapid transit line on a Northeast-Southwest alignment. It runs from Terminal Ouro Verde in the southwest to Terminal Central in the northeast, serving 15 stations primarily along Av. das Amoreiras. Through Service onto the Central Corridor began December 2023.

The Ouro Verde corridor was opened as BRT-Lite in 2020, with limited peak only BRT service beginning March 2023. All day and all week service began December 2023. The last expansion to the line was the opening of Capivari in October 2024.

Corredor Perimetral

The Perimetral corridor of the Campinas BRT is a bus rapid transit line on a North-South alignment. It runs from Terminal Campos Elíseos in the south to Aurocan in the north, serving 5 stations along the ROW of the former Campinas light rail. Through service continues along the former ROW into the Campo Grande corridor, which it shares to Terminal Mercado and beyond, with through service into the Central Corridor present from opening day.

The Perimetral corridor was opened in January 2024.

Empresa Metropolitana de Transportes Urbanos (EMTU)

Opened in stages starting in 2010 (?), the Northwest Metropolitan Corridor consists of a BRT-Lite line that serves the city of Campinas, São Paulo and the satellite cities to the northwest.

Biléo Soares/Northwest Metropolitan Corridor

The Biléo Soares/Northwest Metropolitan Corridor is a BRT-lite line on a Northwest-Southeast alignment. It runs from Ribeirão dos Toledos in the northeast to Rodoviária in the southeast, serving 34 busway (or busway adjacent) stations broken in four sections.

The Biléo Soares/Northwest Metropolitan Corridor was opened in 2010 (?), with the Rib. dos Toledos-Mônaco section opening in December 2018 (Trecho Nova Odessa-Americana-Sta. Bárbara D'Oeste). The latest(?) expansion was the opening of the Conjunto Habitacional-Ataliba Nogueira section of Trecho Hortolândia-Sumaré-Campinas.

Corredor Central

Opened in 2010, the Corredor Central consists of a BRT-Lite line that serves the downtown of the city of Campinas, São Paulo.

Corredor Central

The Corredor Central, also known as the Rótula, is a BRT-lite line on a loop alignment, serving a number of stations.

The Corredor Central was opened in January 2010.

References & Helpful Links

BRT de Campinas at

Corredor Central at

Official Website for Corredor Noroeste: EMTU


Other Sources

Campinas, Brazil at

Sumaré, Brazil at

Other Websites

External Citations

Asset Notes

EMTU colors taken from official São Paulo metropolitan area map as of May 28, 2022

Last Updated: Feb 07, 2025

Old Maps
Note: Not all maps reflect changes in service. Older maps may contain inaccuracies.
2023 06 v12024 10 v12024 12 v12025 02 v1

+ : Line/Station Extension/Opening | x : Line/Station Closure | = : Other Service Change | ! : Map change unrelated to service changes


2023 06 v1 - 2024 10 v1: + Extension: Corredor Ouro Verde to Terminal Vida Nova; Corredor Campo Grande through service onto Corredor Central; Corredor Ouro Verde through service onto Corredor Central | + Opening: Corredor Perimetral and Terminal Campos Elíseos; Morumbi and Piracicaba stations | + Service Expansion: Corredor Ouro Verde all day and all week service
2024 10 v1 - 2024 12 v1: + Opening: Corredor Ouro Verde Capivari station
2024 12 v1 - 2025 02 v1: + Opening: Corredor Campo Grande Parque das Bandeiras/Ipaussurama station