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Overview - Guadalajara

Bordered to the northeast by the Barranca de Huentitán, Guadalajara is the capital of Jalisco and third largest city by population in Mexico. It has approximately 1,386,000 inhabitants in the city proper as of 2020. The Guadalajara metropolitan area comprised 5,286,642 residents as of the 2020 INEGI census.

Guadalajara's rapid transit network consists of a metro service, a high floor LRV light metro service, a light rail service, and two bus rapid transit services.

Tren Ligero

Opened 1989, the Tren Ligero de Guadalajara consists of a rapid transit service, a high floor LRV light metro service and a light rail service that serve the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco and the surrounding suburbs.

Line 1 (Línea 1)

L1L1L2L2L3L3L4L4112201/2023 - Metro Route AtlasTren Ligero Line 1 (Línea 1)Periférico SurSantuario Mártiresde Cristo ReyEspañaPatria SurIsla Raza18 de MarzoUrdanetaUnidad DeportivaSanta FilomenaWashingtonMexicaltzingoJuárezRefugioMezquitánÁvila CamachoDivisión del NorteAtemajacDermatológicoPeriférico NorteAuditorioTren Ligero Line 2 (Línea 2)Tren Ligero Line 3 (Línea 3)Mi Macro CalzadaMi Macro Periférico

Line 1 of the Guadalajara Light Rail network is a light rail service on a North-South alignment. It runs from Auditorio in the north to Periférico Sur in the south via Guadalajara, serving 20 stations.

Line 1 was opened in September 1989 and the last extension to the line was to Auditorio in November 2018. Line 1 is operated by the Sistema de Tren Eléctrico Urbano.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes

Schedules -- Last Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Line 2 (Línea 2)

L1L1L2L2L3L3L4L4112201/2023 - Metro Route AtlasTren Ligero Line 2 (Línea 2)JuárezPlaza UniversidadSan Juan de DiosBelisario DomínguezOblatosCristóbal de OñateSan AndrésSan JacintoLa AuroraTetlánTren Ligero Line 1 (Línea 1)Tren Ligero Line 3 (Línea 3)Mi Macro CalzadaMi Macro Periférico

Line 2 of the Guadalajara Light Rail network is a high floor LRV light metro service on an East-West alignment. It runs from Juárez in the west to Tetlán in the east, serving 10 stations.

Line 2 was opened in July 1994. Line 2 is operated by the Sistema de Tren Eléctrico Urbano.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes

Schedules -- Last Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Line 3 (Línea 3)

L1L1L2L2L3L3L4L4112201/2023 - Metro Route AtlasTren Ligero Line 3 (Línea 3)Arcos de ZapopanPeriférico BelenesMercado del MarZapopan CentroPlaza PatriaCircunvalación CountryÁvila CamachoLa Normal(CETRAM)SantuarioGuadalajara CentroIndependenciaPlaza de la BanderaCUCEIRevoluciónRío NiloTlaquepaque CentroLázaro CárdenasCentral de AutobusesTren Ligero Line 1 (Línea 1)Tren Ligero Line 2 (Línea 2)Mi Macro CalzadaMi Macro Periférico

Line 3 of the Guadalajara Light Rail network is a metro service on a Northwest-Southeast alignment. It runs from Arcos de Zapapan in the northwest to Central de Autobuses in the southeast via Guadalajara, serving 18 stations.

Line 3 was opened in September 2020. Line 3 is operated by the Sistema de Tren Eléctrico Urbano.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes

Schedules -- Last Updated: Jan 09, 2021


Opened 2009, Macrobús consists of two bus rapid transit services that serves the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco and the surrounding suburbs.

Mi Macro Calzada

L1L1L2L2L3L3L4L4112201/2023 - Metro Route AtlasMi Macro CalzadaMiradorHuentitánZoológicoIndependencia NorteSan PatricioIgualdadMonumentalMonte OlivetteCircunvalaciónCiencias de la SaludJuan ÁlvarezAlamedaSan Juan de DiosBicentenarioLa PazNiños HéroesAgua AzulCiprésHéroes de NacozariLázaro CárdenasEl DeanZona IndustrialLópez de LegazpiClemente OrozcoArtes PlásticasEsculturasFray AngélicoTren Ligero Line 1 (Línea 1)Tren Ligero Line 2 (Línea 2)Tren Ligero Line 3 (Línea 3)Mi Macro Periférico

Mi Macro Calzada of Macrobús is a bus rapid transit service on a North-South alignment. It runs from Mirador in the north to Fray Angélico in the south via Guadalajara, serving 27 stations primarily along Calzada Independencia.

Mi Macro Calzada was opened in March 2009. Mi Macro Calzada is operated by the Sistema de Tren Eléctrico Urbano.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes

Schedules -- Last Updated: Jan 09, 2021

Mi Macro Periférico

L1L1L2L2L3L3L4L4112201/2023 - Metro Route AtlasMi Macro PeriféricoCarretera a ChapalaLas PintasArtesanosAdolf HornToluquilla8 de JulioSan SebastianitoPeriférico SurTerminal Surde AutobusesITESOLópez MateosAgrícolaEl BriseñoMariano OteroMiramarFelipe RuvalcabaEl ColliChapalita InnParque MetropolitanoCiudad GranjaCiudad JudicialEstadio ChivasVallartaSan Juan de Ocotán5 de MayoAcueductoSanta MargaritaTuzaníaPeriférico BelenesSan IsidroCentro CulturalUniversitarioConstituciónTabachinesLa CanteraPeriférico NorteEl BatánLa ExperienciaRancho NuevoLomas del ParaísoIndependencia NorteZoológico GuadalajaraBarranca deHuentitánTren Ligero Line 1 (Línea 1)Tren Ligero Line 2 (Línea 2)Tren Ligero Line 3 (Línea 3)Mi Macro Calzada

Mi Macro Periférico of Macrobús is a bus rapid transit service on a partial loop alignment. It runs from Barranca de Huentitán in the north to Carretera a Chapala in the south, serving 42 stations primarily along the Periférico ring road.

Mi Macro Periférico was opened in January 2022. Mi Macro Periférico is operated by the Sistema de Tren Eléctrico Urbano.

References & Helpful Links

Guadalajara Light Rail at Wikipedia | Tren Ligero Guadalajara at

Macrobús at Wikipedia | Macrobús at

Official Website for Tren Ligero and Macrobús: Sistema de Tren Eléctrico Urbano


Official System Map - SITEUR [PNG] [Last Accessed Feb 14, 2022]

Other Sources

Guadalajara, Mexico at

Guadalajara, Mexico at

Asset Notes

Tren Ligero (1-3) and Macrobús (Calzada, Periférico) line colors taken from system map on Estrena de Línea 3 page as of January 2021.

Tren Ligero (4) line color taken from line map on Estrena de Línea 4 page as of January 2023.