Oklahoma City

Table of Contents

Overview - Oklahoma City

Located on the Oklahoma River (the portion of the North Canadian River running through Oklahoma City), Oklahoma City is the capital and the largest city by population in Oklahoma. It has approximately 703,000 inhabitants in the city proper as of 2023. The Oklahoma City metropolitan area (Oklahoma City) comprised 1,477,926 residents as of the 2023 US Census Bureau Estimate.

Oklahoma City has two modern streetcar services and an arterial bus rapid transit service.

Oklahoma City Streetcar

Oklahoma City Streetcar

The Oklahoma City Streetcar is a modern streetcar line on a loop alignment. There are two services. The Downtown Loop runs from Midtown in the north to Bricktown in the southeast via Downtown Oklahoma City, serving 22 single directional stops. The Bricktown Loop (Fri-Sun only) short-turns in the city center, serving the 9 southern stations.

The Oklahoma City Streetcar was opened in December 2018. The Oklahoma City Streetcar is owned by Oklahoma City.


Opened 2023, Rapid consists of a single arterial BRT service that serves the city of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and the surrounding suburbs.


The Rapid Northwest is an arterial bus rapid transit service on a northwest-southeast alignment. It runs from Meridian & Expressway in the northwest to downtown, serving 18 stations of which three are served in a single direction only.

The Rapid Northwest was opened in December 2023.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes
Rapid NW12'12'15'15'

Schedules -- Last Updated: Dec 08, 2023

References & Helpful Links

Oklahoma City Streetcar at Wikipedia

Official Website for Oklahoma City Streetcar: Oklahoma City Streetcar


Official System Map - Oklahoma City Streetcar [PDF] [Last Accessed December 08, 2023]

Other Sources

Oklahoma City, USA at Urbanrail.net

Asset Notes

Colors for the OKC Streetcar taken from the official route map as of August 2020. Colors for EMBARK Rapid NW taken from official system map as of December 8, 2023

Last Updated: Dec 08, 2023

Old Maps
Note: Not all maps reflect changes in service. Older maps may contain inaccuracies.
2020 08 v12023 12 v1

+ : Line/Station Extension/Opening | x : Line/Station Closure | = : Other Service Change | ! : Map change unrelated to service changes


2020 08 v1 - 2023 12 v1: + Opening: Rapid Northwest | ! Adjustment: Map Template Change