
Table of Contents

Overview - Oakland

On the east side of the San Francisco Bay, Oakland is the county seat of Alameda County. It has approximately 437,000 inhabitants in the city proper as of 2023. The San Francisco-Oakland metropolitan area (San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont) comprised 4,566,961 residents as of the 2023 US Census Bureau Estimate.

Oakland's rapid transit network consists of a cross-bay regional metro network and a bus rapid transit service. The regional rapid transit network includes a regional rail service and a people mover service.

AC Transit Tempo

Opened 2020, Tempo is a bus rapid transit network serving the East Bay cities.

Tempo 1T - International Blvd

Tempo 1T - International Blvd is a bus rapid transit service on a Northwest-Southeast alignment. It runs from Uptown Transit Center in the north to San Leandro BART in the south, serving 34 stations.

Tempo 1T was opened in August 2020. Tempo 1T is operated by AC Transit

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes
Tempo 1T10'10'10'10'

Schedules -- Last Updated: Apr 03, 2022


For information on BART, refer to the San Francisco Bay Metropolitan Area Page, covering the entire metropolitan area.

References & Helpful Links

Tempo at Wikipedia

Official Website for Tempo: AC Transit Tempo


Other Sources

Asset Notes

Tempo color taken from official AC Transit line map as of Aug 10, 2020.

Last Updated: Apr 03, 2022

Old Maps
Note: Not all maps reflect changes in service. Older maps may contain inaccuracies.
2022 04 v1

+ : Line/Station Extension/Opening | x : Line/Station Closure | = : Other Service Change | ! : Map change unrelated to service changes
