
Table of Contents

Overview - Calgary

Located at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers, Calgary is the largest city by population in Alberta. It has approximately 1,414,000 inhabitants in the city proper as of 2022. The Calgary metropolitan area comprised 1,481,806 residents as of the Canada 2021 Census.

Calgary's rapid transit network consists of two light rail services and a bus rapid transit service. It also three arterial bus rapid transit services.


Opened 1981, CTrain consists of two light rail services that serve the city of Calgary, Alberta and the surrounding suburbs.

CTrain Red Line

The CTrain Red Line is a light rail service on a Northwest-South alignment. It runs from Tuscany in the northwest to Somerset-Bridlewood in the south via Downtown Calgary, serving 28 stations of which 7 are in a single direction only and are shared with the Blue Line.

The Red Line was opened in May 1981 and the last extension to the line was to Somerset-Bridlewood in June 2004. The Red Line is owned and operated by Calgary Transit.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes

Schedules -- Last Updated: Sept 10, 2023

CTrain Blue Line

The CTrain Blue Line is a light rail service on a Northeast-West alignment. It runs from Saddletowne in the northeast to 69 St in the west via Downtown Calgary, serving 25 stations of which 7 are in a single direction only and are shared with the Red Line.

The Blue Line was opened in April 1985 and the last extension to the line was to 69 St in December 2012. The Blue Line is owned and operated by Calgary Transit.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes

Schedules -- Last Updated: Sept 10, 2023


Opened 2018, MAX consists of a bus rapid transit service and three arterial bus rapid transit services that serve the city of Calgary, Alberta and the surrounding suburbs.

MAX Orange

MAX Orange is an arterial bus rapid transit service on an East-West alignment. It runs from Brentwood in the west to Saddletowne in the east primarily along 16 Av NE, serving 23 stations of which one is served in a single direction only.

MAX Orange was opened in November 2018 and the latest expansion to the line was the scheduled stop at Castlebrook Dr. MAX Orange is operated by Calgary Transit.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes
MAX Orange11'8'30'30'

Schedules -- Last Updated: Sept 10, 2023

MAX Teal

MAX Teal is an arterial bus rapid transit service on an L-shaped alignment. It runs from Westbrook in the west to Douglas Glen in the east, serving 17 stations.

MAX Teal was opened in November 2018. MAX Teal is operated by Calgary Transit.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes
MAX Teal20'20'30'30'

Schedules -- Last Updated: Sept 10, 2023

MAX Purple

MAX Purple is a bus rapid transit service on an East-West alignment. It runs from City Centre in the west to East Hills in the east primarily along 17th Av SE, serving 18 stations of which five are in the counterclockwise city center loop. Between 9 Av SE and 52 St SE, it runs along a dedicated transitway. Limited rush hour trips extend to Chestermere.

MAX Purple was opened in November 2018. MAX Purple is operated by Calgary Transit.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes
MAX Purple20'20'25'25'

Schedules -- Last Updated: Sept 10, 2023

MAX Yellow

MAX Yellow is an arterial bus rapid transit service on a North-South alignment. It runs from City Centre in the north to Woodpark Blvd in the south, serving 20 stations of which 7 are in the figure 8 shaped city center loop. Part of the route runs along a bus only transitway.

MAX Yellow was opened in December 2019. MAX Yellow is operated by Calgary Transit.

ServiceM-F MiddayM-F RushSat.Sun.Notes
MAX Yellow19'10'32'32'

Schedules -- Last Updated: Sept 10, 2023

References & Helpful Links

Calgary CTrain at Wikipedia

Calgary MAX at Wikipedia

Official Website for Calgary CTrain: Calgary Transit

Official Website for Calgary MAX: Calgary Transit


All Official Maps - Calgary Transit [Last Accessed September 10, 2023]

Official System Map - CTrain [PDF] [Last Accessed September 10, 2023]

Other Sources

Calgary, Canada at

Calgary, Canada at

Asset Notes

Line colors taken from official full network map as of October 2020.

Last Updated: Sept 10, 2023

Old Maps
Note: Not all maps reflect changes in service. Older maps may contain inaccuracies.
2020 10 v12023 09 v1

+ : Line/Station Extension/Opening | x : Line/Station Closure | = : Other Service Change | ! : Map change unrelated to service changes


2020 10 v1 - 2023 09 v1: + Opening: MAX Orange Castlebrook Dr stop | ! Adjustment: Visually split 19 St NW stop from North Hill; Distinguish between stops and stations for MAX (used presence of MAX shelter + totem in one direction or transit hub as requirement); Map Template Change