Table of Contents


Welcome to the Metro Route Atlas's external links page. This page aims to serve as a resource for those looking for our sources or for other websites and articles that provide discussions, research, or other insights into public transportation network design and mapping.

News and Publications

This section provides links to formal media that the Metro Route Atlas uses for opening dates, construction projects, and other general public transportation news.

  • Diário do Transporte - Portuguese (Brazil). Provides updates on updates of all levels across Brazil, from specific bus line routing changes to openings of new systems and everything in between.
  • International Railway Journal - English. Provides detailed articles on select railway projects and topics. Global scope; topics cover technology, bids, contracts, consortia, finance, opinion pieces, etc.
  • Mass Transit Magazine - English (USA). Aggregator for local transportation news stories across the USA, including for smaller cities.
  • Metro Report International - English (UK); part of Railway Gazette. Provides global urban transport news, though with a focus on rail projects.
  • Urban Transport Magazine - English/German (Germany). Provides global urban transport news for different modes, with a focus on Germany and Europe. Partnered with

This section provides links to independent media that the Metro Route Atlas uses for opening dates, construction projects, and other general public transportation news.

  • Delta Arquitectura (YouTube) - Spanish (Colombia). Provides construction updates on Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.
  • enelSubte - Spanish (Argentina). Provides detailed news and updates on projects within Argentina with a focus on rail infrastructure.
  • Seattle Transit Blog - English (USA). Provides detailed news and updates on projects within Seattle.
  • SNT VTC (YouTube) - Spanish (Mexico). Provides detailed news and updates on projects within Mexico City.
  • Transporte e Infraestructura Mexicana (YouTube) - Spanish (Mexico). Provides detailed news and updates on projects within Mexico City and the country of Mexico as a whole.
  • Via Trolebus (YouTube) - Portuguese (Brazil). Provides general high level information on current and in development infrastructure as well as planned projects within Brazil, with a focus on São Paulo.

This section provides links to blogs and media operated by transportation companies themselves.

Similar Websites

This section provides links to websites similar to the Metro Route Atlas, some of which we use as sources and some of which provide different perspectives on public transportation across the globe. These websites typically cover dozens or hundreds of cities, providing maps or other information.

  • INAT - English (France). By Jug Cerovic. Beautiful diagrammatic maps of transit networks in major world cities.
  • - English (USA). Primarily focused on photography and maps for New York City, but also has pages for other rail systems throughout the USA and around the world.
  • - English (Germany). The world's best resource for urban rail network diagrams. Very comprehensive, and all diagrams also include information on which parts of a ROW are below grade.

Map Design Resources

This section provides links to individual blog posts or websites that cover specific topics in transit map design. These are sorted by website/creator, then date.

Public Transportation General Resources

This section provides links to individual blog posts or websites that cover specific topics relating to public transportation, such as modes and frequency. These are organized by topic.

Frequency and Operating Hours

Modes - General/Cross-Cutting

Modes - Bus

Modes - Rail

  • Pedestrian Observations - What is Light Rail, Anyway [2019 07 31]. By Alon Levy
    Discussion on what constitutes Light Rail. Includes discussions on right of way availability, subway-surface branching, speed and range, and upgrade potential to rapid transit.
  • Pedestrian Observations - Stadtbahn Systems [2020 10 28]. By Alon Levy
    Discussion on what constitutes a typical Stadtbahn, its purpose and history, and where it can be applied.
  • Pedestrian Observations - Tram-Trains [2020 11 03]. By Alon Levy
    Discussion on what constitutes a typical Tram-Train, overlap with regional rail, when such a system might be appropriate, and different models of urban geography.

Unique Destinations

Transit Network Design Resources

This section provides links to individual blog posts or websites that cover specific topics in transit network design. These are sorted by website/creator, then date.

  • Human Transit - English. By Jarrett Walker. Website covers a wide variety of topics but we will focus on select articles from their Basics here.
  • Pedestrian Observations - English. By Alon Levy. Website covers a wide variety of topics but here we will only detail their work on transit network design.
    • Branching [2012 10 24]
      General discussion on branching and when it is useful in the context of S-Trains and Rapid Transit
    • The Wrong Kind of Branching [2015 02 04]
      General discussion on reverse branching and why it is an anti-pattern, including examples where it has caused problems for a network