General Font Notes

This page details the fonts utilized on this website as well as licensing. As a general note, only sans-serif fonts are utilized on this website.

Roman Alphabet

Web Safe Fonts (expected to be present on end-user's computers): Arial, Helvetica, Lucida Sans Unicode, Trebuchet MS, Verdana. Lucida Sans and Verdana may not be present on macOS.

Hosted locally: Source Sans Pro - License.

Hosted locally: PT Sans - License.

Hosted locally (specific pages only): Alte DIN 1451

Hosted locally (specific pages only): Open Sans

Hosted locally (specific pages only): MetroDF

The default font for page text and maps (system and strip) is Source Sans Pro. Strip Maps (which depend on the fonts installed on the end-user's computer) will default to Source Sans Pro as well.


Japanese text depends on the fonts hosted on the user's computer. Maps and text using Japanese will use the following defaults: 'ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3', 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro', Osaka, 'メイリオ', 'Meiryo'.


Chinese text depends on the fonts hosted on the user's computer. Maps and text using Chinese will use the following defaults: 'Microsoft Yahei', '微软雅黑', STXihei, '华文细黑'.