
Table of Contents

Overview - Mississauga-Brampton

Located west of Toronto on Lake Ontario, Mississauga is the third largest city by population in Ontario. It has approximately 772,000 inhabitants in the city proper as of 2022. To the north, Brampton is the seat of the Regional Municipality of Peel. It has approximately 746,000 inhabitants in the city proper as of 2023.

Mississauga-Brampton's rapid transit network consists of a bus rapid transit open busway. It also has three commuter rail services and a number of rapid bus services (not covered on this site).

Mississauga Transitway

Mississauga Transitway

The Mississauga Transitway is a bus rapid transit open busway on an East-West alignment. It runs from Winston Churchill in the west to Renforth in the east via Mississauga City Center, serving 12 stations. Note that as an open busway, most services only serve a portion of the corridor.

The Mississauga Transitway was opened in November 2014 and the last extension to the line was in November 2017 to Renforth. The Mississauga Transitway is operated by GO Transit and MiWay.


For information on GO, refer to the Toronto page.

References & Helpful Links

Mississauga Transitway at Wikipedia

GO at Wikipedia

Official Website for Mississauga Transitway: MiWay

Official Website for GO: GO


All Official Maps - GO Transit [Last Accessed Sept 03, 2023]

Official System Map - GO Transit [PDF] [Last Accessed Sept 03, 2023]

Other Sources

Mississauga, Canada at BRTDATA.org

Asset Notes

Mississauga Transitway color taken from official MiWay logo as of December 2020

GO Commuter Rail line colors taken from official GO map as of November 2020. GO Color taken from GO DRM.

Last Updated: Dec 11, 2020

Old Maps
Note: Not all maps reflect changes in service. Older maps may contain inaccuracies.
2021 01 v1

+ : Line/Station Extension/Opening | x : Line/Station Closure | = : Other Service Change | ! : Map change unrelated to service changes
